Self disclosure as a self-promoting tool on Facebook

Look: It’s me, myself and I! Self disclosure as a self-promoting tool on Facebook Published in Communication Challenges in the Eve of the 4.0 Industrial Revolution, p. 59-71, Cluj University Press UBB Cluj Presented at International Students’ Conference on Communication (ISCC) 6th edition, 26-27 april 2018, Cluj-Napoca Abstract: Humans need to feel loved, respected and part […]
The other side of the experiment

The other side of the experiment I’m passively consuming Facebook daily. I post a few times a month, mostly music, or photos with nature or my dog. Sometimes, I share personal information such as pictures/videos with me or check-ins. This way, Facebook will be remembering me what happened in the past years. I really love […]
Hedonic consumption as a tool for self-promoting behavior on Social Network Platforms

I have, I post therefore I am! Hedonic consumption as a tool for self-promoting behavior on Social Network Platforms Published in Studia UBB Ephemerides, vol. 63, issue no. 2, December 2018, p. 65-89 co-author: Lecturer PhD Meda Mucundorfeanu Abstract: Research shows that people are associating themselves with material objects and places and use them in order to achieve […]
The experiment

The experiment Why am I using social network sites? Have you ever asked yourself? Think of your favorite social media platform and answer the questions: Why do you use it? How do you use it? Who is your virtual self? Let’s talk about who are you. Like me, you are an individual trying to achieve […]