Proiecte în agenție
Odiseea în agenție – Proiecte The Color Run powered by Dero Iulie/August 2015, June 2016 Cluj-Napoca, Constanța Vezi detalii Caravana Staropramen Iulie-August 2012, 2013 zona NV Vezi detalii Coca-Cola Merchandising Iulie-Decembrie 2011 zona NV Vezi detalii Color Run powered by Dero Client: Unilever Tip eveniment: Event sponsorship Perioada: Iulie/August 2015, Iunie 2016 Am fost implicată […]
Research and publications
Is there an explicit relation between the degree of self-disclosure and popularity on Facebook? How the audience reacts to different type of content posted? Is self-promoting on SNS a predictor of hedonic consumption? Can brand and location affiliations increase popularity on the online environment? I conducted various types of scientific research in order to find […]
Dress in colors – Event planning
Dress in colors – Event planning Event: “Dress in colors” Type: garage sale Duration: June, 5-6, 2010 Location: Cluj-Napoca This was my first experience of event planning. I managed to gain sponsorship for renting the location and printing the promotional materials and free media presence. From designing identity and advertising elements to contacting sellers and […]